• We will custom manufacture Non-DOT Bulkheads on occasion if you require something different. • Bulkheads Options are available with Chain Racks and / or Binder Racks
48x102 Flat 4-Post Non-DOT All-Aluminum Bulkhead Shown w/ optional Tie Bar for Tarp Straps
Wrap Around Style:
When you have the Old School Side Kit Tarp Systems and you need a bulkhead that you can trust call Load Covering Solutions and let the experts assist you.
10" Side Return
Custom Design Bulkhead With Center Man Door & Offset Exterior Chain Compartments
LCS, Building Beyond The Ordinary
Built 84" High w/ Man Door and Front Catwalk to accommodate a 7ft Side Kit w/ Side Roll Tarp
Whatever your Bulkhead requirements are call upon Load Covering Solutions, and let our technical experts work for you.